Today was to be our last day. Kips real estate agent called and said there had been paperwork e-mailed to him that needed to be signed and back today.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Friday Return home to Hampton
Today was to be our last day. Kips real estate agent called and said there had been paperwork e-mailed to him that needed to be signed and back today.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Thursday to Baltimore? and beyond
Todays plan is to ride into break camp, ride into Baltimore to see the USS Constellation (a civil war sloop) and then start back south. Once more the plan had some problems.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Wednesday To DC by strange vehicle
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Tuesday onto Maryland Birthday Day
Monday, June 8, 2009
Day 2 Antietam and Harpers Ferry
Burnside Bridge
It was as all battlefiels are, impressive and awe inspiring.
Bloody Lane
After the battlefield we drove to Harpers Ferry to look at the old town. Again it was still to hot to walk around much.
Recognize this from the movie "Gods and Generals" ?
Then we rode to a KOA campground where we stayed the night. The camp ground and the people were nice but the actual tent sites were railroad gravel (very sharp) and they put a hole in our ground cover. It started to rain hard and Dori went out into the rain (to get her rain gear out of the trunk)and stubbed her toe on a railroad tie.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
June 2009 Dori's Birthday Trip to DC
Sunday we packed up and headed up past Richmond to Bealton to see the Flying Circus.....alas no more Spads or Triplanes. Now they just fly WWII trainers but still fun. And HOT, HOT and HOT.

Where is my chute?
After the show we went to the George Washington Natl Forest outside of Front Royal to camp for the night. They had the bathrooms locked. Closed for the season the sign said...what season did they plan on opening for? No water either. Didn't pay either. Dori found that it is possible to go thru the night without a glass of water...but it won't happen again. Those pills were hard to swallow.
It didn't rain, this will be shown to be important.