Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Four Corner Trip Summary
92 days total
54 days riding
38 days visiting friends and relatives
4 nights in a motel room
32 nights camping
56 nights with friends and relatives
Total cost $4500
Found that 80% of all motorcycles out on the highways are Harley-Davidson. And that apparently 95% of them don't carry rain gear.
Found that 70% of all riders will return a wave, but only 30% will wave first. Found that the worst riders for returning a wave are Harleys and GoldWings. Found the most enthusiastic riders returning a wave are.......Scooters. They almost fall off returning your wave. The best at waving are sport bike riders.
Found 5 scooters out on the highway carrying all their camping gear, including one carrying double.
Gas prices lowest $3.37 in MO on the way home but apparently gas prices had started falling. Canada was the highest at $6.43. Calif had the highest avg price, overall $4.30 seemed a pretty avg price for 87 octane.
Gas mileage .. worst 30mpg going accross Idaho at 70mph with a high frontal wind.
Best ..50 mpg in the Florida Keys and in National Parks with a low avg speed ie: 45-50 mph. Usually I got 37-41 mpg when riding at 60mph per the GPS, 65 indicated on speedo.
My Toyo car tire (installed on the rear) now has 22,000 miles on it with no problems and appears to be half worn (haven't measured tread deapth yet). My Dunlop K491 (rear motorcycle tire installed on the front) now has about 18,500 miles on it and is about half worn but is starting to show cupping. So I am very happy with the performance of the tires.
I can't wait to start the next ride. Alaska or Mexico? Hmmm..Europe?
54 days riding
38 days visiting friends and relatives
4 nights in a motel room
32 nights camping
56 nights with friends and relatives
Total cost $4500
Found that 80% of all motorcycles out on the highways are Harley-Davidson. And that apparently 95% of them don't carry rain gear.
Found that 70% of all riders will return a wave, but only 30% will wave first. Found that the worst riders for returning a wave are Harleys and GoldWings. Found the most enthusiastic riders returning a wave are.......Scooters. They almost fall off returning your wave. The best at waving are sport bike riders.
Found 5 scooters out on the highway carrying all their camping gear, including one carrying double.
Gas prices lowest $3.37 in MO on the way home but apparently gas prices had started falling. Canada was the highest at $6.43. Calif had the highest avg price, overall $4.30 seemed a pretty avg price for 87 octane.
Gas mileage .. worst 30mpg going accross Idaho at 70mph with a high frontal wind.
Best ..50 mpg in the Florida Keys and in National Parks with a low avg speed ie: 45-50 mph. Usually I got 37-41 mpg when riding at 60mph per the GPS, 65 indicated on speedo.
My Toyo car tire (installed on the rear) now has 22,000 miles on it with no problems and appears to be half worn (haven't measured tread deapth yet). My Dunlop K491 (rear motorcycle tire installed on the front) now has about 18,500 miles on it and is about half worn but is starting to show cupping. So I am very happy with the performance of the tires.
I can't wait to start the next ride. Alaska or Mexico? Hmmm..Europe?
Day 54 The Last Day Home to Hampton VA Tues
camping fee $0 home
mileage 545 miles
total mileage 17,570
My plan was to meet Dori in Danville, Va. And then to ride home togeather tommorow.
But once again the plan failed to deal with reality. When I called Dori, I found that she was having problems with her trike and couldn't make the meet. So I decided to make a big push and finish with a long day in the saddle
From Deals Gap I went South on Hwy 128 which was very pretty and then a fst run home.
Day 53 Aug 18 to Tail of The Dragon Monday
camping fee $12
mileage 244
total mileage 17,025
After breakfast I left Casey and Liz and headed East. The goal for the day is to get to Deals Gap, NC. This is the home of "The Tail of The Dragon" and a very neat motorcycle motel/campground/store and grille. I traveled on I-40 and US-70 which made for a relaxed trip. When I reached the start of the "Tail" my first TN cop with victim (a car) was less than a mile. By the time that I reached Deals Gap (11 miles, 318 turns) I had passed 3 more TN cops with victims. Be carefull when riding or driving hwy 129 from TN to NC.
Tommorow the plan is to meet Dori (and trike) in Danville, VA.
Camping at Deals Gap was an absolute blast and I look forward to returning for a weekend. We talked motorcycles, all kinds, drank beer and had guitar playing way past my bedtime. I meet many interesting riders, some that were my age, some riders from Wisc, Kansas City, CO and SC, NM and New Zealand. My car tire was a big hit and in the morning some of the riders checked it out to be sure I wasn't making it up.
The tree of shame has parts of bikes that crashed on the Dragon. It includes parts of Big Wheels that were used one weekend in a downhill race on the Dragon. There were three injuries in that race, all spectators.
If Kansas was one of the worst nights camping then Deals Gap was the best.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Day 52 Aug 16 to Nashville TN Sat
camping fee $0 with Casey and Liz
mileage 416
total mileage 16,781
Off and running early, well maybe not super early, other people were up and around. I woke up during the night so I took a shower about 2am.
I stopped at "The Old Time Country Cafe" for their breakfast cafe. It was great and only $5.49. Gas around the corner at Wal-Mart was $3.37, lowest so far on this trip. Is the econemy in free fall?
I looked at the map and it looked to me like I could loop into Arkansas, return to MO and then cross the river into KY and then turn South again to TN. Get in more states and only ride 50 miles additional. I should have programmed it into the GPS instead of going by memory and using the GPS as a rolling map. Arkansas worked ok but when I got to where I should have taken the ferry to KY from MO I found the ferry was shut down. So operating on my great memory I followed the interstate until I crossed into Illonis....say what!!! I turned South and got to KY in about 20 miles but was now 60 miles from the KY/TN border, man did I screw up or what!! I know this will make Martins day but what the hell.
So next I headed to Paris, was on the way and think of the stories that I could tell, some truthfull. But contray to the map I couldn't find any eifel tower monument. Once more the plan falls apart. Good thing I'm not worried about the plan but I am hours behind where I expected to be. Good thing I'm not worried about time. I pulled in to Liz and Caseys about 6:30, just in time for dinner and no tent tonight.
Day 51 Aug 15 to St Francois State Park MO Fri
camping fee $9
mileage $393
total mileage 16,365
I tried reaching my cousin Paul G. in KY but the phone number must have changed. So I called Casey and Liz in TN and with their permission :) will head that way.
I woke to a heavy fog and the tent covered with water of course. so much for my hopes that the tent would dry out overnight. I ran at a reduced speed for about 20 miles. I then turned South on KS-7. I started running into trees covered with spider webs, wow!
After awhile I pulled into Atchison KS. Wow, home of the Atchison, Topeaka and Santa Fe railroad and Amelia Earhart. The museum let me in an hour early at the depoet museum which was much appreciated and the chamber of commerce sent me to a good local spot for breakfast. Then since I was stopped it was time for a laundry day again.
I then changed my GPS to try and stay off interstates. And off I went following Garmitas instructions. At first it was great and I went on some very scenic roads. But then it routed me around Kansas City and headed by interstate towards ST Louis. At ST Louis it took about 7 diff hwys to bypass it and get me going South on the US hwys 61/62 again. I hadn't taken any pictures because there wasn't anything that said shoot me..ahh who knows. I ended the day at the St Francois State Park which is a very nice place to camp, nice showers and grass. But nothing to drink or eat. But I met Lori and John who shared a couple of their Pepsis with me around the fire as I stayed up until after dark talking. Thanks guys!
I knew i was back in the South because the roads were scenic, their are rows of trees lining both sides so that you don't see anything. And rolls of paper towels are on the tables instead of napkins.
Day 50 Aug 14 to Hiawatha KS Thurs
Camping fee $0 At the Brown Lake State fishing Park
mileage 299
total mileage 15,972

After finding our camp still intact Jerry and I had both realized that we never introduced ourselves the night before. After a short talk Jerry and I introduced ourselves and decided to ride to breakfast. After about 50 miles we found a McDonalds, the first possible place. Hwy 36 is nice and no traffic but very few services and most of the local cafes have closed down and there aren't very many franchise places either.
After breakfast I went to the Norton, KS library and updated my blog this included putting in pictures. Once again the laptop that I had carried all around the country would not work and I put it in the trash...sorry Dori. It wouldn't even power up properly. I was at the library a little over two hours and then was on the road again.
I stopped about 124 miles later in Bellville, KS for lunch. I went to enter my mileage in the log log book. I had left it at the Norton library. My mind isn't working properly on this trip, which I'm sure nobody is going to disagree with. I was able to contact Mary and the library and she is going to mail the log book home for me...whew..once again I dodge the brain fart bullet thru luck. She also refused payment for shipping, handling etc.

I continued down us-36 until I came to the only original Pony Express Station at it's original location. The building has been restored.

In Hiawatha 3 people told me that I could go to the city park and camp...not true. But 10 miles East on us-36 there is the Brown Lake State Fishing Park that does allow camping. At no charge :) The fisherman are there until after dark and arrive early. But I was the only one in the park that night, neat.
Oh, I stopped at Wal-Mart and bought some heavy stakes, no more worry about the stakes pulling out in a high wind storm.
mileage 299
total mileage 15,972
After finding our camp still intact Jerry and I had both realized that we never introduced ourselves the night before. After a short talk Jerry and I introduced ourselves and decided to ride to breakfast. After about 50 miles we found a McDonalds, the first possible place. Hwy 36 is nice and no traffic but very few services and most of the local cafes have closed down and there aren't very many franchise places either.
After breakfast I went to the Norton, KS library and updated my blog this included putting in pictures. Once again the laptop that I had carried all around the country would not work and I put it in the trash...sorry Dori. It wouldn't even power up properly. I was at the library a little over two hours and then was on the road again.
I stopped about 124 miles later in Bellville, KS for lunch. I went to enter my mileage in the log log book. I had left it at the Norton library. My mind isn't working properly on this trip, which I'm sure nobody is going to disagree with. I was able to contact Mary and the library and she is going to mail the log book home for me...whew..once again I dodge the brain fart bullet thru luck. She also refused payment for shipping, handling etc.
I continued down us-36 until I came to the only original Pony Express Station at it's original location. The building has been restored.
In Hiawatha 3 people told me that I could go to the city park and camp...not true. But 10 miles East on us-36 there is the Brown Lake State Fishing Park that does allow camping. At no charge :) The fisherman are there until after dark and arrive early. But I was the only one in the park that night, neat.
Oh, I stopped at Wal-Mart and bought some heavy stakes, no more worry about the stakes pulling out in a high wind storm.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Day 49 Aug 13 to Oberlin-Sapa State Park KS Weds
mileage 360
total mileage 15,673
camping fee $0 free primitive camping in the park
I got up to a beautifull morning and headed up the canyon for the Rock Mountain National Park. At the entrance the ranger told me that some moose had been seen up the road 4-5 miles in the meadows. After Maine I wasn't very hopefull but I kept my eyes open and sure enough I found one and got some great (I think) pictures. This park is just unbelievably gorgeous. I filled my memory card and am now on the 16mb card, which won't last long.
I stayed on 34 into Nebraska and then turned South and picked up US-36 in Kansas. While I was stopped a scooter loaded with gear went by going East. Later as I was stopped at the A&W getting something to eat he pulled in and we got to talking. He is riding a Honda 250 Reflex and it really scoots along. We were both ready to stop so we decided to ride East togeather looking for a cheap place to camp.
About 30 miles later we found the Oberlin-Sappa State Park which has a free primitive tent camping area with a bathroom. We got set up with about an hour to spare before dark, it was looking good. After going to bed I realized that I had not gotten his name, and he said he might only sleep a couple of hours and then continue on. Oh well.
Later that night a massive storm hit, rain, thunder, lightning and very high winds. The wind was lifting the fly and twirling rain inside. I was starting to wonder if a tornado was coming but couldn't think of a better option than staying where I was.
I got up in the morning to find to my utter astonishment that both tents, bikes and the park was still there. But we did see Toto.
Day 48 Aug 12 The Turn towards Home Tuesday
mileage 405
total mileage 15,313
camping fee $9.50 Arapaho Rec area
I traveled US-40 to Dinosaur National Park. I went to the visitor center but to actually see fossils still embedded in the rock you need to go on a hike of about an hour and a half. And need hiking boots not motorcycle boots, next time I will be prepared.
I then continued on US-40 into Colorado. I turned off on 34 towards Rocky Mountain National Park. I stopped at the Arapaho Rec Area about 20 miles from the park. I found a great campsite at Sunset Point overlooking the lake. I finished setting up camp just as the sun was going down. I found out later that evening that it was rated one of the top 100 camps in the nation.
I had stopped about 3:30 for half a sub so I was ok for the night. The local chipmunk is overseeing the writing of the log but he is very camera shy.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Day 47 Aug 10 Return to Wallsburg UT Sun
mileage 91
total mileage 14,908
camping fee $0 stayed with Melissa
It was clear and sunny..sound familiar? and lots of bikes were coming by, returning from Sturgis. This was just to be a quick run back to Melissas' place. Uneventfull...Wrong!
I stopped within 5 miles of the house to take a picture of the mountains...NO Camera.
When I got to the house I called Cozy and Max, no camera in the garage or house...AARRGGHH. Cozy was able to get hold of the people at the Jim Bridger park museum and they had the camera. What a relief. Cozy will pick it up and I will swing by her place on Tuesday and get it. This excitement I didn't need.
No pictures today. :(
total mileage 14,908
camping fee $0 stayed with Melissa
It was clear and sunny..sound familiar? and lots of bikes were coming by, returning from Sturgis. This was just to be a quick run back to Melissas' place. Uneventfull...Wrong!
I stopped within 5 miles of the house to take a picture of the mountains...NO Camera.
When I got to the house I called Cozy and Max, no camera in the garage or house...AARRGGHH. Cozy was able to get hold of the people at the Jim Bridger park museum and they had the camera. What a relief. Cozy will pick it up and I will swing by her place on Tuesday and get it. This excitement I didn't need.
No pictures today. :(
Day 46 Aug 9 Day trip to Wyoming Sat
mileage 191
total mileage 14,817
camping fee...$0 stayed with Cozette and Max
Todays plan was to ride to Jim Bridger State Park in WY and then go on to the Intergalactic Space Port in the Flaming Gorge area. On the way I planned to stop and see if Cozy wanted to ride her trike with me. The day didn't work out as planned and it turned out embarassing for me but I will tell the whole story. Riding into Heber I saw five hot air balloons coming into the valley.

I decided to ride the scenic Hwy 150 to Evanston, WY. It was very pretty, with lots of camp grounds. I kept my eye out for wild animals and sure enough I found the local habitat of bares. But the mosquitos had driven them into hiding.

Got to Cozys' and went to a quick breakfast and then got on the road. The day was clear and sunny. Little did I know that I was about to become an honorary Harley rider. About 30 miles down the road, 4 miles from the park, the rain started. We continued on.
When we got there they told us to drive up to the museum and park under cover. The rain got much worse. We went thru the museum and looked over the rebuilt fort and talked to the trading post employee. The rain continued and there was no sign of a let up. Neither of us had rain gear with us, I know, I know....we decided it would be silly to continue forward. It was only? 34 miles to Evanston so we decided to run for it. There was lots of lightning. We prepared Cozy the best we could and I put on my rubber gloves. We were off. The last 4 miles thru Evanston to the house were the worst, like riding in a waterfall. At the house I decided to stay the night, I was cold and shivering. Max loaned me a t-shirt and pair of sweat pants, which I had to hold while standing or I would join the bare group. we ended the day with takeout from pizza hut and watching the Olympics. This was the worst rain Evanston had in years.

As I told Cozy the first part of the ride was fun and last part was funny. Oh well another good story in the book.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Day 45 Aug 6 to Moab and Wallsburg UT

mileage 326
total mileage 14,626
camping fee staying with daughter
I was talking to a lady at the Motel while eating breakfast and found that the camp ground that i had wanted to stay in yesterday had filled early in the day. That was why they were in the motel also. While talking I noticed a couple from Nebraska getting on their Harley to leave. I mentioned to the lady that they weren't dressed well for the weather and that seemed to be pretty common for Harley riders. She asked what I would be wearing and I told her an armored, water resistant suit.

I headed North on US-191. The land between Monument Valley and Moab is all canyons, ravines and bluffs. Moab is adventure city for the unequipped. You can go on mtn bike tours, kayak tours, white water rafting, hiking, jeep tours and Hummer tours. Adventure city for the yuppies. It did look like the mtn bikes would be fun though.

I almost missed this arch, I saw a sign for a viewing point around the next turn. When I pulled in I thought this is no good I can't even see that bluff, then I looked up...oops.

I played tag with the rain storms again today and only got tagged a couple of times.
I continued North to Duchene and then headed to Heber City on hwy 40. When I got to Melissas I found they were leaving the next day for a horse show. I'm going to lay over here until Monday or Tuesday, they will be back Sunday evening so that will give us some time.
Day 44 Aug 5 to Sedonna and the Grand Canyon

mileage 397
total mileage 14,301
camping fee $76 ... rain led to a motel.
I left my ridgetop camp early in the morning, I was lucky, no rain last night. Down thru a pretty canyon until I came to Jerome. Jerome is at 5000 ft and built on the side of a cliff. Very neat but all for tourists, the cafes opened about 10am and all had fancy names...and I'm sure the prices were too. I continued descending thru clarkdale and then into cottenwood before I found Randalls cafe for breakfast, a good place to stop.

Then it was onto Sedonna (picture is at entrance)a very pretty town located in the center of a large canyon. Rock walls no matter which way that you look. And a lot of the houses are designed to blend with the rock color and are of pueblo design. The road to Flagstaff runs thru another awesome canyon.
On the way to the Grand Canyon I found the Planes of Fame Air Museum. I had to stop and ask...yes they are a new branch of the Chino, CA museum and some of the planes from Chino have been moved here, most importantly the Zero, Me-109 and the OKA suicide bomber. I also found that the cost of a ride in a P-51 has gone from $175 (last time I went) to $750 (fuel price increases due to most of it).

What can I say about the Grand Canyon? It is the biggest hole in the ground that I have ever seen. It was overcast so it was hard to show the colors. I'm glad that I had my senior card, big savings. I talked to a Gold Wing 1800 rider who was telling me that he had a Valkyrie and really missed it. I told him that I had a wing and didn't miss it :) All thru the day I've been just missing the rain, lots of wet roads but I'm still dry.
After leaving the park I talked to a rider from British Columbia who had only been about 10 minutes in front of me and he had gotten soaked. Timing is everything :). We discussed routes, he was going NW and I was heading NE. He warned me about a big storm in the Moab, UT area. I told him it wouldn't be the first one on this trip.

I headed North thru Monument Valley where many westerns were filmed and finally changed into rain gear about 1/4 mile before hitting a front but it didn't last long.. Went into UT and headed to Blanding. I had been planning on camping about 10 miles North but I could see there was a major storm so discretion won and I got a motel room, only my forth of the trip. By the time I had unloaded the bike the storm was upon me. I had a nice dry comfortable room. But the storm messed up the wireless transmission, knocked out the digital channels though the analog still came thru and no cell phone. As it turned out I turned on the John Wayne movie "The Searchers" and watched it, of course I recognized all the scenes from Monument Valley.
Day 43 Aug 4 Thru the Desert Yuma Quartzite to Prescott AZ

mileage 413
total mileage 13,904
camping fee $5 national forest
I left San Diego after 8am, giving time for traffic to clear, and then headed East on I-8 towards Yuma, AZ. I stopped at a micky-d for breakfast and a mid day snack. The heat was very oppressive, crossing the desert in August is bad. Temp was 110 plus. My cool vest only lasted about an hour. I was only able to use it once because everywhere that I stopped had "cold" water that came out of the tap very warm to hot. At Yuma I headed north on hwy 95 to Quartzite. From there I headed towards Prescott. Had to pay high prices for gas in the desert but still less than Calif. Going to Prescott meant climbing into the mountains so I finally cooled off late in the day. I had been stopping every 60-80 miles to get something to drink and to make sure that I had gas. My gas mileage has dropped into the low 30's, don't know if it is from the heat, the altitude or the combination. I have kept my speed at 55-60.

From Prescott I headed North on hwy 89alt towards Sedonna. About 25 miles out of Prescott I stopped at a Natl Forest Service camp ground at 7200 ft. This seemed like a cool place to sleep. The only problem was that once more I have had no dinner. I have to stop making a habit of this. Especially since I'm not losing any weight. It was looking and smelling like rain when I stopped but it never happened. No mosquitos!!
Day 42a San Diego Visit

I stayed in San Diego for over a week with my daughter Krista. We had a good time, went walking on the beach at Mission Bay, took Niki to the Dog Beach, went to the movies and just in general goofed off. Maybe I should get a tatoo, it hurts and costs money...what a losing combination :) Also was able to teach Krista how smog tests work.
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