camping fee $0 with Casey and Liz
mileage 416
total mileage 16,781
Off and running early, well maybe not super early, other people were up and around. I woke up during the night so I took a shower about 2am.
I stopped at "The Old Time Country Cafe" for their breakfast cafe. It was great and only $5.49. Gas around the corner at Wal-Mart was $3.37, lowest so far on this trip. Is the econemy in free fall?
I looked at the map and it looked to me like I could loop into Arkansas, return to MO and then cross the river into KY and then turn South again to TN. Get in more states and only ride 50 miles additional. I should have programmed it into the GPS instead of going by memory and using the GPS as a rolling map. Arkansas worked ok but when I got to where I should have taken the ferry to KY from MO I found the ferry was shut down. So operating on my great memory I followed the interstate until I crossed into Illonis....say what!!! I turned South and got to KY in about 20 miles but was now 60 miles from the KY/TN border, man did I screw up or what!! I know this will make Martins day but what the hell.
So next I headed to Paris, was on the way and think of the stories that I could tell, some truthfull. But contray to the map I couldn't find any eifel tower monument. Once more the plan falls apart. Good thing I'm not worried about the plan but I am hours behind where I expected to be. Good thing I'm not worried about time. I pulled in to Liz and Caseys about 6:30, just in time for dinner and no tent tonight.
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