milage 252
total milage 1915
They're awake, they never sleep, they're always hungry, they're everywhere!!! Mosquitos!!
We're up and out early. A long run (timewise) to Key West and hopefully we will be able to find a camp site...still memorial weekend. We are off in a cloud of Deet.
Straight East accross Florida, thru the Great Cyprus Swamp and indian land/swamp. A gorgeous time to ride...it'a cooler today... 90-95?
We stopped for breakfast and then found a place with small (8 pass) air boats and tours of the swamp. Very reasonable $17 for a 35 min ride including a 10 min stop at their indian souvineer sales island. I took stills, Martin got some video.
Started out onto the Keys to find that all those folks wanting to get home on memorial day weekend were going the other way, a 50 mile parking lot. We finally got to Key West late in the afternoon, got all of our pictures and then found Boyds camp ground. Got a camp site 20 ft from the water. High winds and it rained 3-4 times during the night. I only woke for one so I'm taking Martins' word for it.
Camping cost $60
Got up as high as 50mpg on the Valkyrie today. The keys highway is low speed limits with high traffic..don't plan on making time here.
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