Friday, January 14, 2011

Trip planning 2011

Ok, this year I get my trip to the Alamo. I plan on leaving the middle of April and returning the 3rd week of May.

My route is to travel south to the Alamo, then swing up to the Vicksburg civil war battlefield. Then Shiloh and turning North to visit "The Dragon". Up the east coast to see my brother in Conneticut, oh and stopping at Gettysburg on the way there.

Yes, Civil war battlefields are a must see, Gettysburg for the 5th-6th time? Then I will turn West, and hopefully seee my cousins and aunt in Ohio.

From there, thru the plains to Sturgis, it won't be started officially yet but the town will be cranked up. Then to the Little Big Horn and the Custer battlefield, where a company would defend as much ground as a regiment at Gettysburg.

Then to Yellowstone Nat'l Park and South thru the Tetons. On to Las vegas and then SE to home. This is the plan and I may be sticking to it.

Now to start my yearly maintenance on the motorcycle.

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