milage 444
total milage 10,249
camping fee..stayed with friends.
Back on the road after an 8 day stop to visit Melissa, Paul, Harlee and Wyatt. Not to mention the 4th of July party with Cozy and Max.
It felt good to be back on the road, I really missed it. I plan to meet Martin in the Seattle area and then go on to the third corner. I expect two long days to get there.
I didn't take any pictures, I have been accross that section many times and was trying to make time, while riding at a sedate 65mph indicated, true 61mph. People are still flying on the highway, 80mph while pulling a trailer, don't they care or understand fuel milage?
Made it to Caldwell about 5pm, just in time for an iced coffee before Gary closed the espresso stand. We picked up a pizza and diet pepsis and went to his place to join Bonnie. Lots of talking about motocycles, trips and friends. I had a great time as always. The wind from the Utah border to Caldwell was about 30-35mph. This caused my gas milage to drop to about 30mpg. A horrible thing to have to worry about milage on a motorcycle but sometimes it costs $20 to fill up.