milage 281
total milage 11,029
camping fee...staying with friends
Today was the run to corner three, Blaine, WA. Martin and I got up and had some coffee while I did my laundry. The bike was a lot lighter without all the camping gear on it. A real hot rod!!
It was fun riding togeather again. Stopped for breakfast after about 150 miles and then on to Blaine. Got some nice pictures at the Peace Arch Park and then we went to the city hall for some more pictures. We finally found a girl with taste for motorcycles and she sat on my bike first.. :)
Then the unexpected happened. A lady came out of city hall and asked if we were on a four corner ride. When we told her that we were she said to come inside, that they had official certificates for us. They filled out the documents and then also gave us Blaine, WA pins. Wow! Of course this means thay we will have to get pins for Key West and Matawaska.
The ride back was uneventfull except for the horrible Seattle rush hour traffic.
Tommorow is a off day and then Saturday we will leave for Neah Bay and Ozette (not Cozette).
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