total mileage 13,226
camping fee...stayed with Krista
Today was to be the end of the Four Corner Ride. We didn't get up as early as planned because Darrel and I stayed up late playing Vegas 2 on his X-box.. :) We got on the road, heading to breakfast about 8am. After a large breakfast at Ottos in Lancaster we got on the way. It was already getting hot when we left. It was out thru the high desert heading towards San Bernadino. Originally the plan called for the three of us to ride togeather for a week or two. But a job change for Darrel changed those plans. It was nice for the three amigos to be riding togeather.
It took about three hours to reach La Mesa and meet Krista, my youngest daughter, who had borrowed a helmet and jacket, and was ready to go. In less than 30 minutes we were in San Ysidro. The four corner ride was officially over and now it was going to be the ride home.
We decided not to cross into Mexico but just take some camera shots over the border. A lot of people were crossing into the USA to buy products. Our econemy has gone way down with both the Canadians and the Mexicans coming here to save money.
Then we returned to Kristas' apartment. We were planning on going to the comic book convention but found that was sold out. So it was watch movies and discuss the ride.
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