milage 56
total milage 3603
Today was to be the main touring of the Gettysburg battlefield. We got a good breakfast, I lead the threesome in a never ending circle. I know that battlefield very well but finding it is another thing, Martin now thinks that GPS use leads to brain softening.
At 12 we meet the riders from the internet Shadows forum at the local pub for lunch. Afterwards O2BJoyfull (thad) lead us around the battlefield for a great tour. Dori left the tour after about 3 hrs deciding that a tour of the four story teddy bear store was more to her liking. Martin and I left it about 2 hrs later needing to cool off and get liquid (it was over 100 deg).
After the tree of us got back togeather we went back to the pub for dinner, I even had a beer!
We rode 56 miles around the battlefield and circling inside the city.
camping cost $31
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