milage 439
total milage 8842
camping fee $12 (cash only)
Got up early, though I did notice someone got up before me, they also came in after dark, maybe they were scamming the system. Stopped in town for breakfast. Good thing too, it was Sturgis before I would see another cafe.
I stopped at the geographical center of the United States. It is 7.8 miles of gravel road from the hiway. It is important to note the milage because there is no sign or memorial rock there. Just a fenced area about 50x50. But it is cheap to visit, free! No Lines!
Sturgis is a lot different when the bike rally isn't going on, about half the stores are closed. But there were a lot of bikes in the area. And the vendors were doing a pretty good business. For those of you that I got t-shirts for at last years rally that you never received (Cozy?) because I was wearing it, I do have the correct one for you. Hey Martin, I went out of my way up to Lead and got a cheeseburger and onion rings for dinner from our favorite bar. No beer though, still had a couple of hours to ride.
I stopped at Keyhole SP in WY. It is cheap but has no showers/flush toilets, etc. Just the basics. It rained on me, I had my fly (on the tent) open so it woke me up before I flooded. Nothing to badly wet.
I'm on the last camera battery, of three, and the cell phone battery is low. I may have to rent a motel room just to charge batteries. I'm doing pretty good 28 days and only 3 motel rooms.
I have decided that my finger doesn't have arthritis, it is broken.
I sometimes if anyone is reading this or if it's just my diary. In which case why am I doing it?
total milage 8842
camping fee $12 (cash only)
Got up early, though I did notice someone got up before me, they also came in after dark, maybe they were scamming the system. Stopped in town for breakfast. Good thing too, it was Sturgis before I would see another cafe.
I stopped at the geographical center of the United States. It is 7.8 miles of gravel road from the hiway. It is important to note the milage because there is no sign or memorial rock there. Just a fenced area about 50x50. But it is cheap to visit, free! No Lines!
Sturgis is a lot different when the bike rally isn't going on, about half the stores are closed. But there were a lot of bikes in the area. And the vendors were doing a pretty good business. For those of you that I got t-shirts for at last years rally that you never received (Cozy?) because I was wearing it, I do have the correct one for you. Hey Martin, I went out of my way up to Lead and got a cheeseburger and onion rings for dinner from our favorite bar. No beer though, still had a couple of hours to ride.
I stopped at Keyhole SP in WY. It is cheap but has no showers/flush toilets, etc. Just the basics. It rained on me, I had my fly (on the tent) open so it woke me up before I flooded. Nothing to badly wet.
I'm on the last camera battery, of three, and the cell phone battery is low. I may have to rent a motel room just to charge batteries. I'm doing pretty good 28 days and only 3 motel rooms.
I have decided that my finger doesn't have arthritis, it is broken.
I sometimes if anyone is reading this or if it's just my diary. In which case why am I doing it?
Hey-we want to know if you are reading your "Comments"----? Leaving a comment seems to be the only way I can communicate with you. I was gonna tell you on the phone but guess my phone did not pick up the call in the back of Wal-Mart. Go to a Verizon store-there is a cell phone battery charger that runs on 2 AA batteries-I bought one in Gloucester when my cell went dead-it is also a really bright flashlight-AND you might consider getting a new battery for your phone. Call soon-off work Fri nite,3-11 Sat, off Sunday nite.
I'm reading it. D'oh!!
See you again on Tuesday, July 8th in Washington.
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