milage 256
total milage 8403 milage is racking up faster than I thought it would.
camping fee $21 with extra pass
Didn't stop to eat until after 10am, over 24 hrs without eating and I wasn't that hungry, I have tightened my belt and my chaps so I assume I'm losing wt, I hope!
I spent two hrs in the library today so it is a low milage day. Stopped at Fort Seward in Jamestown, they told me that Fort Abraham Lincoln was getting all the big money grants so they hadn't been able to do much. So when I got to Fort Abraham Lincoln State Park in Mandan, ND I decided to stop for the day. I even paid for the interpretive center pass and custer house tour. This is the fort where the 7th cavalry was based and Custer was in command. From here into the valley of death they rode. This was the original location of a Mandan indian village for hundreds of years but it was gone by 1750's due to yellow fever. They have made a mini village with authentic dirt dwellings.
I mentioned to the head ranger that since they got all the big grants that I had expected to see everything fully restored and mounted troops drilling in the square. He thought that was very funny :) There was a small reenactment group (3-4) set up.
I camped down by the river, very nice. The couple close to me are goldwing riders but they had just driven out of town (7 miles) to camp. He was very interested in my car tire set-up.
The high winds caused the gas milage to drop down to 32-33 even when doing 60 mph.
I probably won't be able to put pics on until I get to Melissas' place. Hopefully I can get Doris' computer working there, if not its trash time for it.
total milage 8403 milage is racking up faster than I thought it would.
camping fee $21 with extra pass
Didn't stop to eat until after 10am, over 24 hrs without eating and I wasn't that hungry, I have tightened my belt and my chaps so I assume I'm losing wt, I hope!
I spent two hrs in the library today so it is a low milage day. Stopped at Fort Seward in Jamestown, they told me that Fort Abraham Lincoln was getting all the big money grants so they hadn't been able to do much. So when I got to Fort Abraham Lincoln State Park in Mandan, ND I decided to stop for the day. I even paid for the interpretive center pass and custer house tour. This is the fort where the 7th cavalry was based and Custer was in command. From here into the valley of death they rode. This was the original location of a Mandan indian village for hundreds of years but it was gone by 1750's due to yellow fever. They have made a mini village with authentic dirt dwellings.
I mentioned to the head ranger that since they got all the big grants that I had expected to see everything fully restored and mounted troops drilling in the square. He thought that was very funny :) There was a small reenactment group (3-4) set up.
I camped down by the river, very nice. The couple close to me are goldwing riders but they had just driven out of town (7 miles) to camp. He was very interested in my car tire set-up.
The high winds caused the gas milage to drop down to 32-33 even when doing 60 mph.
I probably won't be able to put pics on until I get to Melissas' place. Hopefully I can get Doris' computer working there, if not its trash time for it.
Kippy-you are sooooo lucky you didn't end up with a migraine-no fun riding with a migraine-good about the weight loss, however. Glad you played the tourist thing-sometimes it pays not to be so cheap.
Gas mileage like mine! Actually I've been getting 27-28 mpg. Had to stop riding a day or two-been doing 75-120 miles per day after getting off work-ride till I have to get home and into bed-burning the candle at both ends-but oh sooo much fun!!!!
This is great! I love being able tot track you and look at pictures too!
My dad is sooo kewl
Love you!!
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