milage 474
total milage 6873
camping fee $40 (motel, will explain)
When I left Fairport Harbor, it was a great day to be riding. I noticed the riders in Ohio weren't returning my wave. At first I thought they were not friendly but then I realized that with their long winters they just weren't used to riding and were afraid they would crash if they let go of the handlebars. That's ok guys I understand, just ride :) I passed around Cleveland then down to Columbus, thru Dayton (bye Packs' house) and headed towards Greenup, Il.
The weather turned very ugly, went thru 5 seperate thunderstorms, 2 with 1/4" hail and one with 1/4" hail and very high winds. Just about the time that I thought it might blow me over the semis started to pull over and stop. I hid behind one for awile. I didn't leave until he did. By the way I answered my own earlier questions about Harley riders and rain gear, I now know that at least two harley riders carry full "Harley branded" rain gear. Later I ran into a couple on a Harley. They said that they saw me pull over earlier and start putting on my riding suit. They thought that I was jumping the gun....three minutes later they were soaked to the skin and afraid they would get rear ended if they tried to stop. They said they decided if they ever saw me switching gear again they would pull up behind me and change also. :)
I stopped in Terra Haute, IN and saw my cousin Ed B., he is a cousin on the Button side. Got to spend some time and look at all the geneology work that he has done. Very impressive.
When I got into Greenup and got a room, now you understand why, I called my cousin Linda B., a cousin on the Milam side and surprised her with my arrival. Hadn't seen her in 50+ years. She said she would pick me up in the morning for a tour of the town and cemetary. I'm really looking forward to this.
total milage 6873
camping fee $40 (motel, will explain)
When I left Fairport Harbor, it was a great day to be riding. I noticed the riders in Ohio weren't returning my wave. At first I thought they were not friendly but then I realized that with their long winters they just weren't used to riding and were afraid they would crash if they let go of the handlebars. That's ok guys I understand, just ride :) I passed around Cleveland then down to Columbus, thru Dayton (bye Packs' house) and headed towards Greenup, Il.
The weather turned very ugly, went thru 5 seperate thunderstorms, 2 with 1/4" hail and one with 1/4" hail and very high winds. Just about the time that I thought it might blow me over the semis started to pull over and stop. I hid behind one for awile. I didn't leave until he did. By the way I answered my own earlier questions about Harley riders and rain gear, I now know that at least two harley riders carry full "Harley branded" rain gear. Later I ran into a couple on a Harley. They said that they saw me pull over earlier and start putting on my riding suit. They thought that I was jumping the gun....three minutes later they were soaked to the skin and afraid they would get rear ended if they tried to stop. They said they decided if they ever saw me switching gear again they would pull up behind me and change also. :)
I stopped in Terra Haute, IN and saw my cousin Ed B., he is a cousin on the Button side. Got to spend some time and look at all the geneology work that he has done. Very impressive.
When I got into Greenup and got a room, now you understand why, I called my cousin Linda B., a cousin on the Milam side and surprised her with my arrival. Hadn't seen her in 50+ years. She said she would pick me up in the morning for a tour of the town and cemetary. I'm really looking forward to this.
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